Common Ways of Treating Neck Pain
- Posted on: Oct 23 2020
Feeling pain in your neck? It’s not uncommon, but fortunately, many cases of neck pain are only temporary and will go away on their own as long as you don’t do anything to prolong the issue. Neck pain is often causes by inflammation, injury, overuse, or even poor posture. If your neck is hurting, here are a few things you can do to help relieve that pain.
In many cases, simply resting your neck is enough to make you feel better. You may have turned too quickly, bent your head at an odd angle, or have been starring downwards or upwards for too long. Resting your neck by placing your head in a neutral position for an hour or two should be all it takes. Make sure you’re using a pillow that doesn’t position your head at an awkward angle. If you frequently have a sore neck, you may want to look at a neck pillow that is designed to keep your head, neck, and back in alignment while you sleep.
Make certain you avoid moving your neck in any way that can cause additional pain. Avoid jerking your neck to one side or holding your head in any way that causes additional pain.
Take Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
You may also want to try over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen. However, if you have to use these for more than a few days, you need to visit a doctor or chiropractor. It’s not common for neck pain to last that long.
Use Ice, then Heat
Using ice and heat is another proven way of reducing neck pain. Use ice for up to three days, then switch to heat. Again, if you have to use this treatment often or for long periods of time, you’re dealing with something more than a normal sore neck.
Get a Massage
Having someone massage your neck and upper back can also help. However, make certain to stop them if anything feels wrong or hurts more than a sore muscle should.
If your neck continues hurting for more than a few days, if the pain gets worse, or if you have repetitive neck pain, you need to seek out medical attention. The team here at Maximum Orthopedics can help. Contact us today to discuss your case.
Posted in: Auto Accidents, Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits