Signs You Should Consider Physical Therapy

  • Posted on: Apr 15 2021
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Are you in need of physical therapy? One mistake many people make is putting off getting the right kind of help when they’re injured. Physical therapy can often greatly reduce your recovery time and even prevent permanent damage or chronic pain. Here are some signs that you need to consider physical therapy.

The Pain Recures

Pain is a sign that something isn’t right with your body, so if that pain becomes recurring, it means you still have an injury or damage from an injury. If you find that you have pain in the same area that comes and goes or is almost always present, you should seek out a physical therapist as soon as you can.

You Hurt After Several Days

If you find yourself still in pain days after the injury, it means that your body isn’t able to heal itself. Once you’re injured, you should take several days to rest, ice the injury, and keep it elevated. However, if the pain hasn’t gone away or isn’t greatly reduced in intensity after several days, you need to have a physical therapist evaluate it.

You’re Relying on Over-the-Counter Medication

Taking medication for pain right after the injury and for a few days after it occurs is normal. However, you shouldn’t need to continue taking medication for much longer than that. If you find yourself taking pain medication regularly, it’s a sign that the injury is worse than you thought.

Your Range of Motion or Abilities Have Changed

You know what your body is capable of, and you know when you aren’t physically able to perform your best. If you find that the injury has reduced your range of motion or is preventing you from doing activities that you can normally do with no problem, you need medical attention. If you don’t get help, it’s possible the damage will become permanent.

The Injury Resulted in Acute Pain

In many cases, common injuries that occur from playing sports or exercising result in a fairly dull pain. It throbs, but it isn’t acute or sharp pain. If you did feel a sharp pain when you injured yourself, it can be an indication that you tore a ligament, pulled a muscle, or even fractured a bone. These are more serious issues that need medical care.

Do you need to see a physical therapist about an accident? If so, the team at Maximum Orthopedics can take care of you. Contact us today to make an appointment.

Posted in: Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits

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