Ways You Can Accidentally Make Your Injuries Worse
- Posted on: Aug 30 2021
If you have been injured, you may want to get back on your feet as soon as you can. It can be frustrating to have to cut down on your physical activities or even spend several days or weeks in bed as you heal. However, not doing this can result in making your injuries worse, even if you don’t intend to do that. Here are a few ways you can accidentally make your injuries worse.
Not Following Your Doctor’s Orders
When you get injured, your doctor is going to give you a list of things you should and should not do. They may also give you medication to take or physical therapy exercises to do regularly. By following these instructions, you will help your body regain its strength and flexibility while avoiding things that will cause further injury. If you ignore any or all of these instructions, you’re likely going to injure yourself further or, at best, make the healing process take longer.
Not Resting
Rest is important to healing. Your body needs you to take it easy when you’ve been hurt. If you have injured your ankle, you need to stay off your feet for a while so the ankle isn’t put under stress. It’s important that you don’t try to do too much right away. If you do, your body may not get the time it needs to repair the damage.
This may include taking a break from your hobbies and from work in the short term. However, resting and rebuilding your body can be a long-term task. You may need to put your normal exercise routine on hold even after you can go back to work and have no trouble doing day-to-day tasks. Instead, you might need to do physical therapy or other special exercises that focus on the injured part of your body. Trying to accelerate your therapy plan or exercise more often may hurt more than it helps.
Not Changing the Habits that Led to Injury
In many cases, your injury was an accident that you couldn’t have anticipated. However, there are some injuries caused by doing something unsafely. If you don’t change these unsafe work habits, you can injure yourself further. For example, not wearing the proper safety gear or failing to take breaks can lead to getting hurt again. Be sure you take all necessary steps to make certain you don’t get hurt again.
Have you been injured and need a trusted doctor? The team at Maximum Orthopedics can help you with physical therapy, workers comp, and more. Contact us today to make an appointment.
Posted in: Auto Accidents, Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits