What Is Bursitis?

  • Posted on: Apr 27 2021
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Bursitis is a condition that affects the bursae, the small sacs filled with fluid that are found around the joints. These sacs help to cushion your muscles, tendons, and bones. When bursitis sits in, these bursae become inflamed. The condition can be quite painful, and it can make it difficult to move the joint.

Which Joints Are Affected?

The bursae near any joints can become inflamed, but typically, this condition is limited to the shoulder, hip, and elbow. However, it’s possible to develop bursitis in the knee, the heel of your foot, and even at the base of the big toe. You are more likely to develop bursitis around the joints that you use to make repetitive motions. For example, if your job involves bending your elbows repeatedly throughout the day, you’re more at risk of developing bursitis there than in your knees.

Symptoms of Bursitis

The symptoms of bursitis are typically not severe, but they are noticeable. In addition to the pain, you may find that the joint feels stiff and that it hurts when you move or apply pressure to the area. You may also find that the joint feels swollen and has a reddish color to it.

If you find that the pain becomes so bad that you cannot move the joint, that the swelling has become excessive, or that you experience sharp pains when moving, you need to see a doctor. Also seek medical attention if you have a fever or notice a rash around the joint.

How Is Bursitis Treated?

If you suspect you have bursitis, we will first do an X-ray to look at the joint. We may also need to do a blood test or draw fluid from the bursae to determine the cause of the pain. Once that is done, we can move on to treatment. In most cases, bursitis clears up on its own if you simply take the time to rest. In other cases, you may need physical therapy to help build up the muscles around the joint. Corticosteroid injections can help relieve the inflammation and the pain, too. These injections are fairly common for bursitis in the hips or shoulder.

Are you suffering from bursitis or think that may be the cause of your pain? The team at Maximum Orthopedics can diagnose the condition and treat it. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted in: Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits

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