Workers Compensation Claims
Getting injured at work can have serious consequences. Whether you slip and fall or you’re exposed to dangerous chemicals or elements, there are a number of harmful workplace situations that can cause lasting injury. However, filing a workers’ compensation claim can help cover your medical expenses.
No matter the industry you work in or the job you have, it is your employer’s responsibility to ensure you’re well taken care of. This means they are required to do all that they can to protect you while at work. If you should become injured or ill, their workers’ compensation insurance is designed to help you get the care you need.
What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that employers must have. This insurance is used when an employee is injured or becomes sick on the job. However, the injuries must relate to the work that the employee was hired to do.
Workplace injuries can take many different forms. While some industries pose larger threats to employees, individuals in just about every industry are at risk. Even desk jobs can lead to injuries, including things like carpal tunnel.
However, in order to receive compensation, you must be able to prove that the injury happened at work. You must also show that you were complying with your company’s policy and that the injury was not self-inflicted.
Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim
After you’ve been injured at work, you have a strict set of guidelines that you need to file to receive compensation. First, you must let your employer know of the injury or illness within 30 days of becoming known of your injury. Beginning the process outside of this time frame could hurt your chances of winning your case.
The time frame is different if your workplace injury is actually an occupational disease. In those situations, you have two years from learning the disease was work-related to bring it to your employer’s attention.
Once the claim has been filed, you should be on your way to receiving the benefits you need. However, there may be additional medical expenses related to your injury that you’re not considering at the time. To help cover the additional costs that may be in your future, you want to work with a workers’ compensation attorney to ensure you’re properly taken care of.
You also want to ensure you’re working with a set of doctors capable of accepting your workers’ compensation insurance. Because you need to be evaluated and treated by a medical team hired by the workers’ compensation insurance company, you need to double check that you’re complying with all the right rules and regulations. If you go too far into the medical process without speaking with your insurance company, they may deny you benefits.
Don’t try to go through the workers’ compensation process alone. Get the appropriate help you need to get healthy and have your bills covered by the appropriate insurance.