Common Causes of Shoulder Pain at Work
Shoulder pain is an incredibly common condition that can leave you out of work. While some kinds of shoulder pain may appear immediately after lifting something heavy or falling, other kinds of pain may build up over time.
If you’re experiencing shoulder pain as a result of an injury in the workplace or workplace activities, you need to know what is causing it. Getting to the root of your pain can help you get the right treatment.
Let’s take a look at few common causes of shoulder pain at work:
1. Fracture
Fracture or broken bones in the shoulders can cause swelling, bruising, and pain that makes it difficult to move. You may experience pain in your shoulder if you’ve broken your collarbone, shoulder blade, or the upper arm bone.
If you’ve fractured or broken a bone in your arm or shoulder, you’ll want to see a medical professional immediately to get treatment and reduce pain.
2. Arthritis
Arthritis can occur if you’re frequently using the muscles in your shoulder. The tissues can break down and become inflamed. Arthritis can also cause stiffness in the shoulder, making it more painful to move.
Seeing a doctor can help you treat your arthritis, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pain.
3. Tendon Inflammation
If you’re constantly lifting or doing other repetitive movements at work, the tendons in your shoulders can become prone to inflammation or tears. If you develop tendonitis in your shoulder, it can often be painful.
Resting your shoulder can help reduce inflammation. If this doesn’t help, visiting a doctor can help you reduce inflammation and eliminate pain.
4. Dislocation
If your arm bone becomes dislocated from the shoulder socket, it can cause pain. This usually occurs after a serious injury.
It’s important to see a doctor after a shoulder dislocation. A doctor can help replace the shoulder.
Regardless of the kind of shoulder pain you’re experiencing, you’ll want to see a doctor. The orthopedic surgeons with Maximum Orthopedics can help you discover the cause of your shoulder pain and provide you with the treatment you need to restore full functionality. Get in touch at one of our three New York locations.
- Posted on: Feb 22 2018