Posts From May, 2020

Ways to Manage Pain Without Medication

If you’re in pain, whether it’s chronic or acute, you need some way of managing that pain. Many people simply turn to medication, but that’s not the best option for long-term pain management. Instead, there are a number of other ways you can manage your pain. Here are a few that may work for you. Of course, you’ll want to discuss these options with your doctor to make certain they will be effective and appropriate for the medical condition you’re dealing with.


In some cases, simply stretching or building up muscle in certain parts of your body can relieve some of the pain you’re in. You may need to work your muscles regularly to prevent them from getting stiff and sore. While you certainly don’t want to over-work your body, some light exercise can help with many different conditions. A physical therapist can help you build up the right muscles and teach you what exercises you can safely do to manage your pain without hurting yourself further.

Chiropractic Care

If you have back or neck pain, visiting a chiropractor regularly may help. These experts can realign your spine. This can help relieve the pressure put on pinched nerves or muscles that are being pressed upon.

Ice and Heat

Applying ice or heat, depending on the type of injury, can help restore mobility and decrease pain. This is obviously a temporary way of managing your pain that will need to be repeated regularly, but it can work to help deal with the pain until you can treat it with a different method.


If you tend to hurt only when you overdo it, resting may be the best option. While it’s not always easy to rest when you’re in pain, it often helps. You may want to combine resting with ice or heat to help you get to sleep or rest more comfortably. You may also need to plan for a day or two every week to rest by reducing your physical activities for those days.

Work with an Expert in Pain Management

Before you do anything, you need to talk to a pain management expert. Here at Maximum Orthopedics, we can determine the cause of your pain and work with you to manage it without medication. Contact us today to learn more.

  • Posted on: May 29 2020
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No One Witnessed Your Injury at Work – Does That Mean You Have no Workers’ Comp Case?

If you’ve been injured on the job in front of a number of witnesses, your workers’ comp claim may be hard to deny. However, what happens if you’re injured and no one else is around? That happens more often than you might think, and it leaves you without any witnesses. Are you simply out of luck? While your claim may be harder to win, it’s not impossible. It means you’ll need to rely on other evidence to make the case for you.

Document Everything

Because no one else was there to witness the accident, you need to make certain it’s officially documented by your supervisor immediately. If possible, take photos of what happened or ask someone else to if your injury prevents you from doing so. Don’t wait to report an injury, even if it seems minor at the time. It’s much harder to file workers’ comp for an injury that wasn’t reported.

When you’re able, write down a detailed report of what happened. Include every small detail, even if it seems unnecessary. Write down the time, the place, what happened immediately before the incident, and any related information. The more you document here, the better. Be sure to have someone witness the statement and sign off on it, adding the date and time it was written.

Be Honest

Unfortunately, there have been people who have tried to take advantage of the workers’ comp system by claiming they were injured when no one was looking. This makes it harder for those who truly were hurt to get the compensation they’re due. It also means you need to be completely honest. Don’t exaggerate anything or intentionally leave out any details when talking to your supervisor, your doctor, the workers’ comp board, and anyone else involved in the case. Don’t downplay your injuries, but don’t make them out to be worse than they actually are.

Work with a Doctor Familiar with Workers’ Comp Cases

Your doctor is going to be even more important in a case without witnesses since their report and testimony may be the only third-party evidence you have. You want to make certain they understand workers’ comp cases. The experts here at Maximum Orthopedics do, and they’re ready to help you with your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

  • Posted on: May 15 2020
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