Posts From January, 2019

Why Managing Your Pain on Your Own Isn’t Always the Best Idea

If you’re dealing with any sort of pain, you may decide to try to manage it yourself. You may not want to deal with doctors, or you may believe you’ll have to pay a lot of money for surgery or some other expensive treatment. Fortunately, pain management can be quite affordable. There are also a number of reasons why managing your pain on your own isn’t a great idea. Here are a few of these reasons.

It’s Not Effective

While you understand where your pain is and how severe it is, you may not understand how to best treat it. Experts in pain management have spent years studying the body and how to relief pain. They keep up with the current research and techniques, too. They will know which treatments will work the best for your type of pain, while you may simply be taking some over-the-counter medications and hoping for the best.

There could also be something much more effective out there that you don’t know about. The method you’re using to manage your pain may only make it a little more tolerable. There could be a technique available that would make your pain vanish or greatly reduce it.

You Could Make Your Pain Worse

Because you may not fully understand how the body works, it’s possible that what you’re doing could actually make your pain worse. Yes, you may have found an exercise, stretch, or other activity that seems to lessen the pain temporarily, but long-term, you could be making the injury worse or hurting another part of the body.

There Could be a Minor Procedure that Will Help

While you should always be hesitant to undergo surgery and make sure you understand all of the outcomes of any procedure, sometimes it truly does help. There could be a minor orthopedic surgery option that could completely remove your pain or improve your range of motion. Without talking to an orthopedic surgeon, you might never learn about such an option.

That’s why it’s a good idea to schedule a consultation with the doctors at Maximum Orthopedics. They will discuss your particular pain needs and help you find the best solution. It could be what you’re already doing, but there’s also a very good chance that there’s a better option for you.

  • Posted on: Jan 30 2019
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Dealing with Arthritis Pain

Dealing with arthritis pain may seem like an uphill battle. Many of the standard pain management techniques often don’t help that much with arthritis because it’s a different type of pain. It’s recurring, and it’s not caused by an injury you can treat with surgery or that you will recover from. Instead, you have to work with experts in orthopedics in order to learn how to avoid arthritis flare-ups and manage the pain as best as possible.

Don’t Rely on Medication

Many people will say that they manage their arthritis pain simply by taking an over-the-counter medication that is labeled as specially formulated for arthritis. These medications can certainly help, but taking them every day is not the best idea. Many do have side effects that occur if you take them too often. Some can cause liver damage, while others may affect your stomach. Even those that don’t have major side effects will become less effective over time. Instead of relying on medication, look at other options.

Look at What Orthopedics Offers

Orthopedic pain management is specifically designed to decrease pain in the musculoskeletal system. This includes pain in the muscles and joints. Arthritis pain is caused by inflammation and swelling in the joints, making it difficult and painful to bend and move. By using orthopedic pain management, you can avoid taking medications.

Your orthopedic course of treatment needs to be customized for your needs. For example, if you have horrible arthritis pain in your knees, part of your treatment may include working to lose some weight. This will help relieve the amount of stress your knee joints are under. You may also work on specific exercises that help improve your joint function and tone your muscles to help provide more support for your body.

Another type of orthopedic solution that can help with the pain from arthritis and can increase mobility involves using heat. Heat can help relax the body, making it easier for joints to move. Electrical stimulation has also been shown to be effective in treating arthritis. If you suffer from arthritis and want to explore alternative options to taking medication every day, contact Maximum Orthopedics to discuss your pain and talk about how you can manage it more effectively.

  • Posted on: Jan 15 2019
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