Posts From February, 2020

Why It’s Important that Your Doctor is Certified by the Workers’ Comp Board

When you file a workers’ compensation claim, you may be under the assumption that your employer and their workers’ comp insurance will happily cover all of your medical costs, lost wages, and other bills. However, unfortunately, many workers’ comp insurance companies do everything they can to limit how much they pay out. This means it often becomes you verses the insurance company. Unfortunately, they often hold the power here and can deny your claim for a number of minor reasons. That’s why it’s important you do everything possible to give them no reason to try denying your injuries. That includes working with a doctor who is certified by the workers’ compensation board. Here’s why it’s important that your doctor is certified by the board.

They Understand the Paperwork

The paperwork surrounding a workers’ compensation claim can be confusing, and it all has to be filed by specific deadlines. Working with a doctor familiar with all of this paperwork and the regulations surrounding it will help ensure that everything is filed correctly and on time.

They Know What Tests to Do

They also understand what tests will be needed to show the insurance company that you truly are injured and unable to work. They can also often anticipate what you’ll need to show in court should you have to fight for your workers’ compensation benefits. They can help you be prepared to fight any challenge to your benefits because they’ve seen what insurance companies do and can often beat them at their own game.

They Advocate for You

Your doctor is one of your primary advocates in your fight for workers’ comp. In New York, you’re allowed to see any doctor you want—neither your employer nor their workers’ comp insurance company can require you to see a specific doctor. This means your doctor isn’t depending on the insurance company for a paycheck, so they can fully advocate for your rights and your case without worrying about their job.

If you’re in need of a workers’ comp expert to help you with your injury and your case, the team at Maximum Orthopedics is here to help. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.

  • Posted on: Feb 29 2020
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What Is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is something many people deal with. Studies have shown that in the U.S. alone, up to 12 million people deal with this issue. Carpal Tunnel is known for the pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling that it causes in the hand, fingers, wrist, and arm. But what is this orthopedic condition, and what can you do about it if you begin experiencing any of these symptoms?

The Median Nerve Explained

Your median nerve runs from the lower arm through your wrist and into the palm of your hand. The median nerve is the main nerve that carries signals and sensations from the middle finger, index finger, part of the ring finger, and the thumb. It’s encased by the carpal tunnel. When this tunnel becomes inflamed, it puts pressure on the median nerve. This causes the pain, tingling, and numbness that are the signature symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

When Does Carpal Tunnel Occur?

Anyone can experience carpal tunnel. It can affect either hand or both. In fact, more than half the people who experience carpal tunnel syndrome do have it in both hands. Women due tend to deal with carpal tunnel syndrome more than men. Typically, the condition is diagnosed in individuals between age 30 and 60, though it can affect younger and older patients. People with carpal tunnel often also suffer from a number of other illnesses, including high blood pressure and thyroid disorders. Injuries, genetics, smoking, being overweight, and even pregnancy can also contribute to developing carpal tunnel.

Your occupation can also impact how likely you are to develop carpal tunnel. Those who perform repetitive motions with their hands and wrists may be more at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome. This includes working on the computer typing, doing assembly line work, and playing the piano.

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you’ve been experiencing any odd sensation in your hands, it’s time to visit the experts at Maximum Orthopedics for a diagnosis. We will assess your symptoms and perform a basic physical exam to determine if you’re dealing with carpal tunnel or not. Contact us today to set up a consultation.

  • Posted on: Feb 15 2020
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