Posts From November, 2018

Top 3 Injuries from a Car Crash

Being in a car crash often results in more than just damage to your vehicle, it results in damage to you. Car crashes are responsible for a wide variety of injuries, some of which you may not immediately notice. Chiropractors, doctors, and other medical experts often see car crash victims for common injuries from their accident. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, here are three of the most common types of injuries you may suffer from.

Orthopedic Injuries

You can suffer orthopedic injuries from any type of car accident. Many people associate these injuries with broken bones, but orthopedics also covers sprains, strains, and torn tendons and ligaments. While minor crashes often only result in sprains or strains, that’s not always the case. It all depends on how fast the vehicles were going, where the other car hit, and if you were wearing a seatbelt or not.


A very common type of orthopedic injury, whiplash deserves its own category because it’s very, very common. Whiplash happens when your head is quickly jerked backwards or forwards. The vertebrae in the neck are often pushed out of place, leaving you with pain and a loss of range of motion.

Whiplash is one of those injuries that you may not notice right away. Some people don’t feel symptoms of whiplash for weeks. Others don’t recognize the symptoms. Pain in the jaw and ringing in the ears, for example, can be caused by whiplash. This is why it’s important that you are examined by a medical professional after your car accident.

Head Injuries

It’s easy to notice cuts and scrapes on your head since you bleed from these wounds, but it’s not always easy to tell if you have a closed head injury. These injuries affect the brain, but there’s often little or no sign that you’ve been hurt. Often, you don’t see symptoms from these injuries right away, either, and many are misdiagnosed because of that. Unfortunately, these types of injuries can have severe results that last for years.

Getting Help

Do you need assistance with the pain caused from a car accident? Do you need an exam for an auto accident claim? The experts at Maximum Orthopedics are here to assist you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

  • Posted on: Nov 28 2018
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Common Types of Neck Injuries

Neck pain can be one of the worst types of pain, especially if you have to work or run errands instead of lying your head down and resting your neck. There are a number of different injuries that can lead to pain in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Some of these issues can be treated with chiropractic care or physical therapy. Here are some common types of neck injuries and what causes them.

A Crick in Your Neck

One very common issue is a crick in the neck. This isn’t a medical term, and the actual cause can be anything from arthritis to a muscle spasm. Cricks are often caused by sleeping with your neck at an odd angle or holding your head in a certain position for too long. Looking down at your phone or using your computer for long hours without taking a break or stretching can cause this painful issue.

In most cases, a crick in the neck is nothing serious. It will usually work its way out on its own, and you can take some over-the-counter medication for the pain. However, if your crick lasts for over a week or is extremely painful, you need to seek medical attention.

Muscle Strain

When you’ve strained one of the different muscles in the neck, you may experience pain, spasms, and reduced movement for a short period of time. Strains are rated from one through four. A Grade I strain is minor and treated like a crick. Grade II strains are often also nothing to worry about.

Grade III and Grade IV strains, on the other hand, are much more serious. Grade III strains often include nerve damage, while Grade IV strains include fractures or dislocated vertebrae.

Ligament Injuries

If you’ve sprained your neck, you’ve injured the ligaments that hold your bones together. A neck sprain might be caused by twisting your neck too quickly or by falling. Like strains, neck sprains range from mild to severe. Mild sprains may simply need a rest, while more severe issues require medical attention.

If you’re dealing with pain in your neck, a chiropractor may be able to help relieve the pain and solve the underlying condition. Contact Maximum Orthopedics today to book an appointment with our chiropractic experts.

  • Posted on: Nov 15 2018
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