Posts From January, 2018

Avoiding Common Hand Injuries

Hand injuries are incredibly common, but they can also be incredibly debilitating. When your hand is injured, just getting through the day can become a problem. While most hand injuries are entirely treatable, the best thing you can do is take caution and avoid injuring your hands.

Let’s take a look at how you can prevent hand injuries while at work.

Use Tools Correctly

If your job requires you to work with drills, saws, nail guns, or other power tools, you want to ensure you’re properly trained in how they should be used. Each time you use one of these power tools, make sure you have good lighting and you’re wearing the correct safety gear.

Avoiding Trips or Falls

Many individuals use their hands to break their falls, causing serious injuries to the wrists, fingers, or elbows. While breaking your fall can prevent injury to your hips, shoulders, and head, you should try to avoid falling or tripping as much as possible. Keep walkways clear, always pay close attention to where you’re going, and ensure proper lighting in each room.

Remove Jewelry

Jewelry getting in the way can often lead to hand or finger injuries. Whether your wedding ring becomes caught or a bracelet gets trapped, jewelry can get caught in machinery. If you’re working with risky machinery, it’s always best to remove your jewelry first.

Slow Down

When you’re trying to get a task done, you’re rushing through the motions. Unfortunately, this can make you more prone to accidents and mistakes. In order to reduce your risk of hand injury, take a moment to slow down. It’s better to take a few extra minutes to get the job done than to risk an injury.

Hand Injuries in the Workplace

If you’ve recently been injured in the workplace, getting the right treatment is important for helping you return to work. Getting treatment from an expert orthopedic surgeon, such as the team at Maximum Orthopedics, can ensure your hand injury is properly taken care of – getting you back to work sooner.

To talk about your workplace injury and workers’ compensation claim, contact Maximum Orthopedics today.

  • Posted on: Jan 24 2018
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Questions Workers Comp Programs Ask Orthopedic Surgeons

When you’re injured on the job, working with the right orthopedic surgeon can help you get back on your feet. However, to have your medical costs covered by workers’ compensation insurance, your orthopedic surgeon will need to answer a few questions.

Typically, there are six questions a workers’ comp program will want to know. Let’s take a look at what they are and why they’re important to your claim.

1. Did the patient’s injury happen at work or is it work-related?

In order to have workers’ compensation insurance cover your injury expenses, the injury must have happened at work. Your orthopedic surgeon must deduce if the injury could have occurred given the typical work of your job.

2. What percentage of the injury is work-related?

It is possible that your injury is not entirely related to work. While the injury may have begun at work, other lifestyle choices may contribute to that injury. Your doctor must tell your workers’ comp program what percent of your injury is work-related.

3. Does the patient have any restrictions?

Depending on your injury, you may be placed under work restrictions. These restrictions will define what you can and can’t do when going back to work, letting your employer know when you can return.

4. When is the patient’s next appointment?

It’s always important to keep your workers’ comp program in the loop about your appointment schedule.

5. Will the patient make a full recovery?

If the injury will influence your ability to return to work, your workers’ comp program needs to know. They will want to know if you’ll make a full recovery or if you will need to be re-trained into a different position.

6. When will recovery be complete?

In addition to knowing if you’ll make a full recovery, your workers’ comp program will want to know how long your recovery period will be. This will allow them to know how long they will need to be making medical payments, even if it is just an estimate.

If you’ve just been injured at work, getting treatment from the right orthopedic surgeon is important for your recovery. If you’re in the New York City area, contact Maximum Orthopedics today.

  • Posted on: Jan 10 2018
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