Signs You Are in Shock After an Accident
- Posted on: Nov 30 2019
If you’ve been in an auto accident, you may find yourself going into shock. Shock is a physical condition that occurs when the blood flowing through your body suddenly decreases. It can come from a number of things in addition to an accident, including an infection, an allergic reaction, and even from heatstroke. Shock is a major condition that needs to be taken seriously because it means your organs are not getting the oxygen and blood they need.
The Signs of Shock
It can often be difficult to tell if you’re in shock yourself since some of the most common signs are appearance. Your skin may look pale, your pupils may dilate, and you may find that you feel cool or clammy to the touch. The tips of your fingers or lips can also become somewhat blue or gray in color.
While you may not necessarily notice these signs of shock yourself, you can take note of your breathing and pulse. If both are rapid, you may be in shock. Other signs include vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness, and feeling agitated or anxious.
You don’t need to have all of these symptoms to be in shock. In the early stages of shock, you may only experience one or two of them, but the longer the condition goes on, the more symptoms may come on.
What to Do When in Shock
If you’re in shock, you need to call 911 or let someone know that you need medical assistance as soon as possible. Lie down and elevate your legs unless doing so would cause you further injury or causes pain. Do your best not to move. Don’t eat or drink anything, and loosen your clothing if it feels too tight. If you believe you’re going to start vomiting, you may turn on your side unless doing so causes pain.
The most important thing is to call for medical assistance or let someone know that you need help. Shock is serious, and without help, your organs can be permanently damaged due to lack of oxygen.
If you’re in shock due to an auto accident, the condition needs to be included in any claim you file. The doctors at Maximum Orthopedics can help you file the correct paperwork and submit all of the necessary medical documents needed. Call today to discuss your case.
Posted in: Auto Accidents, Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits