Workers Comp Injuries that Can Occur in an Office Setting

  • Posted on: Feb 15 2021
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While it’s true that many worker’s comp injuries happen in industries such as construction or manufacturing, that doesn’t mean those who work in an office never suffer these types of accidents. There are a number of ways you can get hurt in an office setting. If you are aware of these common injuries, you can reduce your risk of injuring yourself. Here are some injuries that an occur in an office.

Slip and Fall Accidents

You can slip and fall anywhere, but there are some things in an office setting that can make it more likely. First, tile floors that have been freshly mopped are slippery. While your office’s cleaning crew is unlikely to mop areas that are in use during the day, they may have to clean the bathrooms or mop up spills. Always keep an eye out for a sign stating that the floor is wet.

Also watch for cords stretching across the floor. You should never run an extension cord or other cable across a walkway if at all possible. Even if the cable is flat on the ground, it can still result in a fall.

Items Falling from Shelves

Another common accident is being hit on the head with falling items. Your supply closet may have boxes of supplies stored on the top shelves that could fall if you bump the shelf or if you try to get the box down without a ladder. Always be careful when reaching for items above your head, and get help if you know a box is fairly heavy.

Carpal Tunnel

Most people don’t think of carpal tunnel as a worker’s comp injury, but it can be. If you work on a computer all day or do work that requires you to make repetitive motions with your arms and hands, you are at risk of developing carpal tunnel. You can prevent this by taking regular breaks and doing wrist exercises.

If you have been in a worker’s comp accident at the office and need someone to assist you with the paperwork, Maximum Orthopedics can help. Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss your case.

Posted in: Blog, Orthopedics, Work Injuries, Workers Compensation Benefits

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