
The Largest Wworkers Compensation Providers

In 2021, the amount of coverage for workers compensation was more than $52 billion. As a result, the largest workers compensation coverage providers paid out more than $22 billion of that amount. Below, we have listed the largest workers’ compensation providers.

Travelers Insurance

As a global carrier for insurance, they provide a range of insurances and coverages in almost every state. The states where Travelers is not offered include Wyoming, North Dakota, Washington, Alaska, Ohio, and Hawaii. Some of the brands owned by Travelers include USF&G and St. Paul Fire & Marine. Besides a big provider in workers’ compensation, Travelers is also a big provider of property and casualty insurance.

Hartford Insurance

With Hartford, they are able to provide millions of small businesses with insurance coverage. The workers’ compensation includes a medical provider who is a part of a  preferred network.. Hartford also provides several health programs such as pay-as-you-go, prescription drugs, and needle stick reimbursement. All Hartford clients will also obtain program benefits to help keep employees healthy.

AmTrust Financial Insurance

At AmTrust Financial, they provide small business insurance that focuses on workers’ compensation. The coverage provided suits artesans, medical professionals, restaurants, hotels, schools, wholesale stores, and retail establishments.

Zurich Insurance

Also known as Zurich Insurance Group, Zurich Insurance offers many insurance policies within many countries. Their policies covering workers’ compensation  provide a worker with complete access to managed care and programs designed to get workers back to work and recovery services

Chubb Insurance

As a large provider of insurance, Chubb operates nationwide and provides a number of coverages including workers’ compensation. The workers’ compensation covers all business types and any excess to cover losses that are predictable or catastrophic in nature.

Liberty Mutual Insurance

As a global provider of insurance, it is no wonder that Liberty is able to provide workers’ compensation while also assisting employees with medications relating to injuries sustained on the job. They also take the pain out of expenses and allow quality care to be accessed through the provider network they work with.

Liberty Mutual Insurance is also the owner of many other brands of insurance providers such as Golden Eagle, Safeco, and Ironshore.

Berkshire Hathaway

As a huge provider of insurance, such as workers compensation, Berkshire Hathaway offers insurance through their smaller insurance providers like Berkshire Hathaway Homestate. Along with the workers’ compensation, Berkshire also offers assistance with service teams that are in-house and programs designed to help employees return to work. Many popular insurance providers are also under Berkshire, such as Three Insurance and GEICO. There is also Berkshire Hathaway GUARD, which provides SMBs with coverage. Outside of business insurance, Berkshire also provides many other coverages associated with a business.


Having a number of great options for workers’ compensation providers is great and as a business owner you can take advantage of many other coverages that your business would benefit from. If you need any clarification concerning the above providers, give us a call today to go over them.

  • Posted on: Oct 28 2022
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What Impacts Workers’ Compensation

Having workers’ compensation is required by law if your business has employees. Having this type of insurance will keep the employees protected in case of any accident or injury taking place at work. If workers’ compensation is not obtained by the employer, then there may be a good amount of repercussions if the company fails to comply, such as being fined daily until compliance is met.

When it comes to your workers’ compensation premiums, there are a few points to keep in mind concerning the premium you pay. By having a clear understanding of each will assist with keeping costs low. Below are the most common things that can have an impact.

The Company’s Experience Modification

This modification is a calculation that the state makes that is based on the history of claims made. This figure includes historical losses that are utilized to have the performance of the company determined.

The average of the industry is 1.0. When it is any higher, then the premiums you pay will be higher.The good thing is that you are able to achieve a lower factor in order to achieve a lower premium seen as a discount. When you’re above 1.0, you will be paying a 10% increase.

Company Payroll

The payroll’s size and employee classification impacts the workers’ compensation premiums directly. In order to be as accurate as possible, a payroll audit needs to be submitted once a renewal of policy is made. If not, then a penalty will be assessed for non-compliance.

When an audit shows that you had a higher  payroll, then the difference will need to be paid to cover the previous revelation. The company may view this as being burdensome, but when the audit is finished, a refund of the premium amount will be provided. Although this may seem attractive, it is a better idea to have the money available whenever you need it.

Decreasing the number of Workers’ Comp Claims

In order to enhance your modification and keep premiums low is to keep the number of workers’ compensation claims down. Regardless of your business, there should be a program in place that helps to prevent work-place injury.

Managing Claims

When a claim is submitted, it can be managed to alleviate the impact on the company. This management can be a game changer. A good example of this is when an injury takes place and the employee returns to work within three days, then the modification will be lower than if there were more than three days involved. When the worker is unable to return to their normal work routine, then they can take on tasks that are lighter than usual while they are recuperating.

If an absence lasts for three days or more, then the modification will be fully impacted, and have a huge effect on the premium payment. It is a good idea to work with the employee’s doctor so that return-to-work can be determined.


When the premiums of workers’ compensation are calculated, the above factors can have a huge influence on it. By keeping on top of the claims and preventing them from happening will ensure that your premium is as low as possible. When you are ready to see how your modification can be impacted, get in touch with us today.

  • Posted on: Oct 15 2022
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The Biggest Workers Comp Settlement

A workers´ compensation settlement case can range between a big amount or a small amount that is dependent upon the injury. Of course, when the injury is not significant, then the claimant can expect a small settlement. But when the injury is significant, then the settlement amount could reach into the millions.

Currently, the most that a workers´ comp settlement has been is $10 million, which took place in 2017. The circumstances surround an employee in California who incurred a car accident while driving home late at night after work. The accident caused the individual to sustain a brain injury that took a huge toll on her life, which she would never fully recover from.

The state of California recognized it to be a workers´ comp case due to the fact that her job required her to complete a project that was completed after working hours.

These types of occurrences happen a lot more than what many realize. It may be a surprise as to who is ultimately responsible if an accident like this took place. However, when you have an experienced attorney, figuring out who is liable can be an easy undertaking, which can allow you to be a good candidate for compensation.

When Exceptions Exist

For workers´ comp to pay a settlement, the injury needs to take place while working and be work-related. This means the employee needs to be providing a service to the employer at the time of injury. This does not normally cover when a commute is taking place. Regardless, the injury that occured was due to a project that required the individual to stay late and finish. Due to the circumstances leading up to the accident, the appeal board for workers´ comp allowed the accident and its circumstances to be valid for compensation.

What Entails a Case For Workers´ Compensation

When it comes to workers´ comp, the insurance provider that covers the employer is liable to pay all claims and benefits for workers´ comp. When a settlement is reached, it is to end the legalities in exchange of a monetary amount that is agreed to. The settlement is normally a lump sum that is representative of the amount of medical expenses that can be expected. When the cash settlement is obtained, then the case is closed indefinitely. This is why it is important to have the most experienced attorney working for you so that you reach the highest amount for your injury.

Amount Of Settlement May Vary

As we mentioned, the amount of a settlement may vary and is based heavily on the circumstances and injury type. The $10 million settlement is the biggest workers´ comp settlement to date. Although every cash amount will be different, your attorney can attempt to get the highest amount possible.


When you give us a call today, we will explain the process of representing you for your workers´ comp claim and what to expect. We will explain the various injuries that can be compensable as well as what their amount could be. So give us a call now to get started.

  • Posted on: Sep 27 2022
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Can You Still Get Workers Comp if the Company Goes Out of Business

Regardless of what the circumstances are for your employer going out of business, it is important to know if you will still receive workers´ comp after the fact. Of course, the employer is obligated to provide the insurance, but will the benefits continue once the doors close forever?

Below, we take a look at what happens with workers´ comp when the company goes under.

A Separate Payment System

You are in luck when it comes to collecting workers´ comp payment benefits because the employer is not the one who pays it. In fact, the state you live in has a system designed specifically for workers´ compensation that requires an employer to provide coverage to employees, which a private insurer pays. For the insurance coverage to be valid, the employer will need to pay its policy payments either weekly or monthly. However, when the employer stops making payment on the policy, your benefit payments will continue.

So although your employer covers you while working, they are not obligated to pay for your injury benefits. So when the employer becomes bankrupt, the claim that you are collecting on will not be affected

When the Insurance Company Becomes Bankrupt

If your employer is in business but the insurance company who provides workers´ comp benefits becomes bankrupt, then the employer will need to acquire another insurance provider or be willing to provide benefits out of pocket.

Also, your state will help to get the insurance coverage transferred to a different carrier. If anything, the state may continue to provide the insurance coverage as long as the policy is paid. But who supplies that funding?

When the claims cannot be covered by the insurance company, the remaining assets of the company will be used to make payments. When it comes to workers´ compensation, the payout cap is unlimited.

Things To Keep In Mind

Although your workers´ comp benefits will continue if the business closes, you may still experience issues. The first issue is a delay in payments while your claim is being processed. This delay may also occur when the new insurance provider is getting in touch with the employer to fine tune the benefits and job injury..

The other thing to keep in mind is that the benefits will be dependent upon your capability to work again. When your employer is out of business, they may not be able to verify any specifics. You may see conflicts arise which may affect payments.


When a work injury occurs, a workers´ comp claim needs to be filed. You can rest assured that your payments will continue regardless of your employer going out of business. However, if you have any questions regarding this, then you can give us a call now and we will get it all straightened out for you.

  • Posted on: Sep 15 2022
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How much of your workers comp settlement can be kept by you

When you have a claim filed for workers´ compensation, the entire process can be very involved. The process can involve a lengthy negotiation and an appeal may take place when an agreement has failed to be reached. Right after you reach a workers´ compensation settlement amount, those involved in your case will all be paid by it. Below, we list who gets what and the amount you get to keep.

Contingency Fees For Your Attorney

When your attorney reaches an agreement for you, you will need to pay their contingency fee that you agreed to. The contingency fee refers to you only paying them in the event that a settlement is awarded to you. An attorney representing you is able to obtain a fee that is as much as 40% of the entire award amount.

You will also need to reimburse your attorney if any payment was made for you by them. These reimbursements would be considered service fees. Prior to signing your contingency agreement, make sure to review its contents closely.

Medical Treatment

Paying for your medical treatment will be the next deduction from your settlement amount. Depending on your case and whether you win, your settlement will be used to pay your medical treatment.

If you were able to pay for your own medical bills, then the amount awarded can be kept by you. However, when your doctor allows postponement of your medical bills, then payment will need to be made. Make sure to talk to your attorney to see about having certain expenses covered. Your attorney may also obtain lower health costs. When this happens, the amount of settlement you keep will increase.

Conditional Medicare Payments

Under Medicare, the agency does not provide medical coverage if workers´ compensation covers an injury. However, when a dispute exists, there may be conditional Medicare payments made. So if the worker is Medicare eligible and they win their appeal, then Medicare will obtain its share from the settlement.

Advance Payments for Permanent Disability

If your work injury results in a permanent disability, then you may obtain an advance through a permanent disability award. In instances where you request the advance, then a fee may need to be paid. The advance will also decrease your settlement amount. It is a good idea to consult with your attorney prior to applying for your advance.

Child Support Judgements

When you have child support payments that need to be caught up on, then you could have a lien placed against your workers´ compensation award if you win. In most cases, child support could receive as much as 25% of a settlement award. Plus, workers´ compensation is calculated as income, so a parent is able to collect a certain amount from a weekly payment.

Amount You Can Keep

With the above circumstances pointed out, the amount you get to keep after everything is considered will vary and depend on different amounts. By consulting with your workers´ compensation attorney, they will be able to calculate a close estimate of how much you will take home. When you contact our office today, we will help get your settlement case started and provide you with an estimate of your settlement before you leave.

  • Posted on: Aug 29 2022
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Workers comp fraud warning signs

When an injury occurs in the workplace, the way it is handled may differ between employers. However, when the injury occurs due to a common cause such as a fall, slip, or trip, and repetitive stress, then there may be a potential for fraud.

In fact, fraud involving workers´ compensation is a crime that is always investigated. The type of fraud most common among workers´ compensation is known as claim-related fraud. This type of fraud occurs when a claim is falsely made in order to gain benefits through a false injury that takes place while working. When this fraud is committed, the premiums that the employer pays will become higher, which may cause problems for employers who are truly hurt.

Warning Signs Surrounding Workers´ Compensation Fraud

Although it may be difficult to identify true fraud involving workers´ compensation, a few warning signs exist that an employer needs to recognize.

Beginning of the week Injury

An injury takes place at the beginning or end of the work week on Monday or Friday. Usually, an injury occurring on Friday will be reported on the following Monday morning.

The Injury is Reported Late

An injury is reported several days after the fact with no explanation.

A Change in Employment

If the employee experienced a change in employment, such as being laid off or terminated, then you may see a fraudulent claim come up.

Witnesses are Nonexistent

The employee is unable to present witnesses to the injury and the description does not match up with what caused the injury.

Cannot Reach the Claimant

When trying to contact the claimant, they are difficult to reach.

Providers Seem Suspicious

The medical doctor the employee sees has a suspicious history relating to fraud claims.

General Changes

A claimant has made several changes in the past regarding job, address, or doctor.

Refusing Treatment

When a claimant refuses treatment or a procedure to confirm an injury, then it will likely be fraud involved.

Descriptions are Conflicting

When the report of the injury is different from the employee´s description, then there may be fraud involved.

A Claims History

Several claims have been submitted by the employee that seem suspicious.

Past history has shown that if more than one warning sign exists within a workers´ compensation claim, then fraud may be attempted. It is important to remember that these warnings do not mean true fraud is being committed, they are only indications to be aware of.

If fraud is suspected, then it should be reported to the insurance carrier. That way the claim can be investigated by the authorities. Make sure that there is a sufficient amount of evidence that can back the investigation such as witnesses and being able to recognize when misstatements are made.


Having fraud occur within the workplace can become a nightmare for the employer. It can also impact the way legitimate injuries get handled, which can cause delays. This is why you should get a hold of our office today when you suspect workers’ compensation fraud. We´ll get the fraud investigated and the problem resolved so that you can get back to business as normal.

  • Posted on: Aug 15 2022
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Can you still sue after receiving workers comp?

When workers compensation is not provided through an employer, the company is not protected by no-fault laws, which would prevent any lawsuit from coming forward from an injury while working. A lawsuit may also include an employer who does have the insurance. Regardless, the employer will not have complete protection if a lawsuit was to be filed. If the employer does not carry workers compensation insurance, then any type of lawsuit can be filed. The employer with the insurance can only be sued if specific conditions apply.

When an employee is injured while working for a company that has no coverage, then bringing forward a suit is warranted because the employer must cover any lost wages sustained from missing work.  It is important to understand that when a lawsuit is brought forward to an employer, the case will not be considered as a workers compensation lawsuit, but regarding negligence against the employer.

When a negligence claim is filed, the non-insured employer will have difficulty fighting the negligence brought forward by an employee.

When an employee obtains workers compensation, they are still able to sue if gross negligence can be proven. This gross negligence is also a separate lawsuit aside from workers compensation. Plus, if a third party was involved with the cause for the accident, then they too can be sued. When this happens, they are involved with a lawsuit involving a personal injury.

Is Suing Possible Once Settlement Is Made

When the employer has workers compensation, there are no workers compensation settlements. This is covered within the Workers Compensation Act. Under the act, settlements were eliminated for injuries sustained while working. With workers compensation, the insurance only has to pay for the care of the employee and any wages that would be lost if they were out of work while injured. If the employer does not carry the insurance, then a settlement may be sought depending on the case.

When a settlement is sought, then the language involved will usually include the inability for the parties to sue each other. This inability prevents the employee from attempting to obtain a settlement. more compensation than what they were awarded with when a settlement was signed. So, once a settlement is reached and agreed upon, then there is no way to sue after

Usually, settlements are reached after liability is admitted and a certain amount is agreed to be paid to the employee. Although the laws covering no-fault are intended to prevent a suit, the employee can still attempt it.


In order to find out what course of action you should take, it is best to seek an attorney who has experience with workers compensation cases and the laws governing them. When you have been injured on the job and need to find out more information, then you should be in contact with us today. We will go over your options to ensure you receive the most and the best care for your injuries.

  • Posted on: Jul 31 2022
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Avoid a workers comp scam on social media

If you have always had a dream of being awarded with a big amount of money from workers compensation, then chances are a scammer will be on the hunt for you. This would be the case if you are befriended by a person through social media. The scam makes people think that they have money owed to them due to an unclaimed workers comp case.

The Way the Scam is Set Up

The initial contact will be by a scammer who is pretending to be a friend. A message will be sent to you by them saying that you have unclaimed funds from workers compensation. As you are talking to the friend, they will eventually provide a phone number to call so that you can obtain the funds.

After a while, you begin to believe the friend and decide to call the number. After all, it all sounds legit still. However, you will be asked to pay a fee to have the information checked and verified. The friend may even have an official sounding title.

Regardless, as soon as you begin to ask questions, a bit of suspicion starts to set in as soon as the mention of paying a fee before any other information is given. You may even be provided with payment options. You need to realize that if the amount you want is big, then the fee to pay will also be big. A lot of times, the scammer will ask you to have the fee wired or have prepaid methods used.

Consequences of Paying the Scammer

When you decide to send money, they will likely say thank you before disappearing with your payment. They may also ask for you to pay other amounts that are associated with the transaction. The bottom line is that you will not be receiving any money in return.

Steps to Take Against Social Media Scams Involving Workers Compensation

  • Make sure to never send money if you want to obtain money in return. When you are legitimately owed money, there will be no fees to pay.
  • Make sure that you know who is who. This is true when wiring funds or the need for prepaid cards are sent.
  • When the opportunity sounds good, then it is too good. You also need to be aware that making a promise will not result in you obtaining money.

Get In Touch To Find Out More

If you have concerns of being a victim of a workers compensation scam, then you should be in touch with the authorities to investigate the matter. If you have any other needs concerning workers compensation, then you should call us today to go over your case.

  • Posted on: Jul 17 2022
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How Trump Policies Affect Workers Comp

We saw in 2017 how healthcare was tried by President Trump, there were plenty of changes put in place. However, not much has changed as far as healthcare and workers compensation are concerned.

In recent years, workers compensation has continued to model a system that is based on value in order to alleviate high costs and turn towards the workers well-being and health for the long-term.

With professionals in workers compensation and employee benefits, they are needing to be ready for models that are bearing risk.

On a historical level, both payers and providers of occupational health have continued to take the lead. They continue to close any gaps seen among community health and health that is employer-based by integrating practices that are absence management. Having these models allows for the best guidance that is effective and saves costs through the use of guidelines, duration tables, analytics, and modeling that is predictive so that performance can be driven.

No matter what type of program or policy is created, it will become advantageous to use decisions that are based on evidence and methods that are important while the government and employers attempt to  decrease the costs of healthcare as employees attempt to make a healthy recovery.

Workers Compensation Impacted by Plans of Infrastructure and Free-Market

It was believed that workers compensation would be impacted positively in regards to the premiums, which would be based on a plan to improve the infrastructure at a cost of more than $500 billion that would be in support of waterways and roadways. Even so, there still remain many questions of how the changes would make an impact. A good example of this is if a worker is able to obtain coverage through workers compensation the same way as they were before.

With workers compensation law, each state manages them at their own level, which only causes an indirect impact. In addition, the changes in immigration law have also affected the way states handle undocumented immigrants who file for workers compensation.

Care That is Value-Based

In order for the workers to get the care they need, a provider will be using the tools designed for care that is value-based so that they are in compliance with the platform of healthcare established by Trump. With a significant amount of support for prices and empowerment among consumers, the outcomes of clinical performance will remain a main concentration for the future. In reality, the groups who lead the healthcare industry are all in agreement that the MACRA will continue to be unaffected  and will help advance models that bear risk.

In actuality, the efforts continuing today will likely continue to create risk. An example involves  how organization penalties occur due to not participating fast enough in which the law requires for Quality Payment Programs.

For the moment, initiatives exist that have shifted the cost burden away from employers and to networks, which will need quicker activity return.

What We Can Expect

As we continue to see changes evolving around workers compensation, both employee and provider needs to remain determined in order to be prepared for care that is value-based while taking advantage of tools which will continue to help the patient reach their full recovery. If you wish to find out more about how your workers compensation is affected by Trump policies, then call us now.

  • Posted on: Jun 30 2022
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Can Illegal Immigrants Receive Workers Comp

When an injury occurs while working, the employee is entitled to workers´ compensation. These benefits cover any employee who is injured and suffers an illness related to the injury. To be eligible for the benefits from workers´ compensation, there are some requirements that must be met. First, there should be workers ‘ compensation insurance covering the employee, you work directly for the company, and you have sustained an injury at the time that you were working.

Law Governing Immigration Reform

Known as the IRCA, the Immigration  and Reform and Control Act oversees immigration in the United States. With close to 5% of the countries population being undocumented, that is a lot of unauthorized workers living within. Under the Immigration and Reform and Control Act, it makes all employers check the immigration status of all potential new hires to ensure that they are authorized to work legally. If an employer violates the IRCA law, then they could face a financial penalty of at least $10,000. This amount is on an individual basis and can quickly add up if there are several undocumented employees.

There have been many situations occurring where an injury occurs to an undocumented employee while working and the employer will make attempts to enforce IRCA in order to deny any benefits that may be warranted by an injury. In fact, the argument made stems around the fact that the employee is not legally authorized to work for the employer, so they feel they are not obligated to provide benefits.

What Do The Individual States Say?

There are quite a few states who have written laws that permit undocumented workers to obtain benefits from workers´ compensation. These laws are governed under a statute that specifically outlines employees who are undocumented. A few of the states that implement statutes include Texas, Colorado, Tennessee, California, Arizona, North Carolina, and Hawaii.

With immigration being a huge factor, there is always something going on that gets covered by the news. Not only that, but legislation may come up again where immigrants working illegally will become barred from obtaining workers´  compensation.

In times that are even more recent, the issues of immigration were brought up when Central Americans reached the border. Because of this, many residents of a town decided to prevent  government buses carrying the immigrants to make their way through town.

Another instance occurred in 1999 when a Supreme Court ruling in Virginia ruled that no workers compensation may be obtained by undocumented workers if they sustain injury. Because of this, many employers decided to back laws that supported undocumented immigrant workers and their ability to obtain benefits. With that, it is clear that many attempts have been made to make it illegal to provide workers compensation benefits to a worker who is undocumented. However, the laws in each state continue to be the same.


There is a lot to know about immigration and the fact if an undocumented worker is eligible for benefits. That is why you should contact us to go over what your state laws say about it. This way you will be more informed about what course to take.

  • Posted on: Jun 15 2022
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